New York Association of Realty Managers
Q: I am insecure in my abilities to manage, direct or
instill confidence. How can NYARM help?
A: NYARM sponsors a government agency-recognized , certified
and accredited educational program under the expert leadership
and guidance of qualified members of the real estate, finance
and construction industries. LEARN FROM THE BEST!
Q: I am unhappy in my present job and would like to make
a change. How can NYARM help?
A: NYARM proudly boasts a management membership roll comprised
of New York's finest real estate managers and management companies
who are in a position to advise and assist.
Q: What do I get for my money?
A1: You can take pride in claiming membership in a prestigious
organization that is ever growing in stature and recognition and
constantly striving to improve the quality of real estate managers
in New York.
A2: You increase your knowledge and understanding of the
industry by attending informative monthly meetings and "picking
the brains"of your peers and fellow members who are there
to help.
A3: You receive discounts on all NYARM activities including
monthly meetings, seminars, social functions, etc.
A4: You'll enjoy the warm and open social atmosphere that
prevails at our meetings and become part of the #l real estate
management group in New York.
Q: How do I become a NYARM member?
A: Complete the membership application and return it with
your dues payment. If you have any questions contact NYARM Executive
Director Margie Russell at 212-216-0654.
"Be a part of a winning
team! Join NYARM today"